Handmade Gifts: Bandboxes

Bandboxes (or band box), also sometimes called hat boxes, were used primarily by men and women in the seventeenth and eighteenth century to protect, hold and carry their hats or other articles of clothing. Men’s hats during this time period were mostly made out of beaver pelts (beaver hat), which were imported and very valuable. These early … Continue reading

Shopping For the Hard-to-Shop-For Guy

Well good grief my friends. The holidays are already upon us. The summer and fall just FLEW. BY. And now it’s almost December. Time to start thinking of Christmas gifts. And that means shopping for family and significant others. My fiance is not easy to shop for. He likes some computer games, he likes hiking, … Continue reading

Beating the Heat, Vintage Style

I grew up without central air conditioning. In fact, mostly without air conditioning at all. Actually, come to think of it, I have never lived in a house with central air. And I grew up in a pretty hot and steamy region of the country, where the temperature in the summer routinely reached 90 degrees … Continue reading

Dyeing Easter Eggs, Naturally

egg dyes

The other day I saw this little article on theKitchn.com. And this one. So I decided to try my hand at making my own, natural dyes for Easter eggs. Y’know what? They turned out pretty okay! Turns out if you boil the heck out of some colorful things, then add a little vinegar, then steep … Continue reading

Egg’n’grog, download the recipe!

6 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/4 teaspoons salt 4 cups half and half 1/2 cup rum (optional), preferable white but dark is fine. Dash of nutmeg Dash of cinnamon Separate eggs into two large bowls. Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, salt and vanilla until creamy. Add rum and half and half. … Continue reading

Hibachi rice

Growing up on a farm we ate a lot of meat and potatoes, but once I went to college I began to expand my palate with foods I had never heard of before, such as knishes, chicken francese, and Japanese food like Hibatchi rice. Hibatchi rice is one of my favor things to eat, I first … Continue reading

The last stew of the season?

Soups and stews are one of the many highlights during the winter season, but this year’s weather wasn’t that wintry, so there were not as many soup or stew days at my house. Now it is March and already 70 degrees outside! Before the weather gets any warmer how about one last stew of the … Continue reading

Handmade Gifts: Framed Quilt Squares

Framed quilt squares make great handmade gifts and you don’t need to be an expert quilter to create one. First find a quilt square that you like, keeping in mind the size of frame you intend to use. Many quilt square designs can be found online, check out McCalls Quilting for ideas. The best part about these quilt … Continue reading

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cookies…yum! For me, there are certain foods that have memories attached to them, and this chocolate chip cookie recipe is one. My mom, has this recipe memorized by heart, enough said right. She can whip up a batch in a matter of minutes with hardly using any measuring cups, which I have yet to accomplish, I measure … Continue reading

Handmade Gifts: Painted Bulbs

Handmade gifts are the best, especially when you get them, well making them can be pretty fun too! There are so many different gifts you can make. You can bake gifts, such as cookies, brownies or bread. You can print your photographs into cards, frame your images, or create a photobook. You can knit, crochet, … Continue reading