Shopping For the Hard-to-Shop-For Guy

Well good grief my friends. The holidays are already upon us. The summer and fall just FLEW. BY. And now it’s almost December. Time to start thinking of Christmas gifts. And that means shopping for family and significant others. My fiance is not easy to shop for. He likes some computer games, he likes hiking, … Continue reading

Celebrating 2013

So we haven’t updated this in a loooong time. But sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. As does the fact that more often than not this year, I’ve forgotten to take pictures, to take my camera somewhere, to capture in digital format all the wonderful things I’ve seen and done. And that’s okay. … Continue reading

Egg’n’grog, download the recipe!

6 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/4 teaspoons salt 4 cups half and half 1/2 cup rum (optional), preferable white but dark is fine. Dash of nutmeg Dash of cinnamon Separate eggs into two large bowls. Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, salt and vanilla until creamy. Add rum and half and half. … Continue reading

The last stew of the season?

Soups and stews are one of the many highlights during the winter season, but this year’s weather wasn’t that wintry, so there were not as many soup or stew days at my house. Now it is March and already 70 degrees outside! Before the weather gets any warmer how about one last stew of the … Continue reading

That weird time between winter and spring

Yeah, I would say right now definitely qualifies as that weird time between winter and spring. Especially since winter is not acting like winter and is sometimes acting like spring. Except when it’s acting like winter. It’s weird. The other uncool thing about this time of year is that we often crave fresh veggies and … Continue reading

Pancake Days

This winter has been weird. Not much snow, lots of warmish, spring-like weather. So warm in fact, I had to go check on my spring bulbs today to make sure they weren’t coming up early (they weren’t). But it’s getting closer to maple sugaring time (usually the end of February around here), and while I … Continue reading

Eating Simplicity

A few days ago I read a brief post on Offbeat Home (a fun, domestic-centered version of Offbeat Bride) entitled, “Don’t use January to beat yourself up.” Although the article itself didn’t exactly go into much detail about just how to avoid wallowing in the guilt of unkempt January resolutions, the sentiment struck me all … Continue reading

A need for knoephla

Knoephla soup. Do you know what it is? If you grew up in North Dakota, like I did, you probably have at least heard of it, if not eaten it. (It’s pronounced “neff-lah” by the way.) It’s a delicious soup from the Germans from Russia tradition. What? You’ve never heard of Germans from Russia? Here, … Continue reading

The Joys of Cabbage

No really. Have you ever had properly cooked green cabbage? Not red, not Savoy, not Napa. Good old-fashioned, turn-into-sauerkraut pale green cabbage. Not boiled to death or steamed. Cooked properly, so that the flavor is nutty and a bit sweet but green at the same time? And the texture is tender, but not mushy? You’ve … Continue reading

Winter Squashes – dinner, snack, dessert

The really cool thing about winter squashes is if you keep them dry and not too cold and not too hot, they keep for pretty much ever. I had three squashes that had been sitting on the kitchen counter forever: a spaghetti squash, a sugar pie pumpkin, and a butternut squash. I decided I wanted … Continue reading