Write In

At FarmHouse, we don’t want to keep all the article-writing goodness to ourselves. We like to hear from you, too!

Send in articles, photos, ideas, letters to the editor, craft projects, recipes, and Reader Challenge responses to farmhousemag (at) gmail (dot) com. We prefer articles, projects, and recipes to have at least one quality photo and the more choice we have, the more likely we are to publish you. We can’t promise we’ll publish everything, but if we like what you write, we’ll post it and give you credit, too.

If we really like what you write, we might ask you to become a regular contributor.

When e-mailing, please make all photo attachments jpegs, all text in a compatible Microsoft Word document, and include a brief bio (2-3 sentences) about yourself.

4 Responses to “Write In”
  1. Alicia Bockmier says:

    Your site was shared with me bu Tracy Dibble. Love it! Thanks!

    • Irma Elaine says:

      Thank you Alicia, your comments are appreciated. Tracy is my older sister, and a great one at that! I hope you continue to check back!!

  2. Jeremy Hurd says:

    I want you to know you are incorrect about one statement. I live in south central Indiana. The last three years I have personally witnessed multiple ticks burrow their entire bodies into our family dogs. We live in a rural area and they roam a lot. We have always used flea and tick medicine on them but it never fails for one or both of them to suffer anyway. I have even see them bury them selves and as they enlarge they poke their legs out back through the skin. If I get the opportunity this season I will certainly try and get some photos.

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